How can the CGMA initials behind Tracy Bressler’s name benefit you?

Tracy Bressler, CPA, CGMA, CTC
The CGMA designation is the new global designation for CPAs working in international business and government. It signifies management accounting expertise, determination and commitment to achieving sustainable business success. The issuing body is a joint venture owned by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (CIMA) based out of London. The designation is available to all members of CIMA and AICPA with management accounting experience who commit to a program of continuing professional education which is equivalent to a master’s degree.
The AICPA and CIMA joint venture will promotes and establishes the CGMA as the preeminent, globally recognized management accounting designation. The joint venture combinse the strength of the AICPA in North America with CIMA’s presence in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and elsewhere.
CIMA chief executive Charles Tilley said: ‘CGMA is recognised throughout the world as the gold-standard designation for management accountants who play a vital role in building sustainable business value. This joint venture raises the profile of the profession to an international business level.” ‘Economic globalization is a reality for all businesses now and in the future and so it’s critical that we have a universally accepted standard of excellence for management accounting,’ said AICPA president and CEO Barry Melancon.
Benefits — What can the CGMA Designation can do for your Company
Management Accountants are trusted to guide critical business decisions and drive strong business performance. The CGMA designation means that CPA not only understands the U.S. National business management environment, but international as well. Their skills encompass a mix of international operations, management and strategy.
- Analyze corporate environment
- Evaluate strategic options
- Design and run performance management systems
- Evaluate and manage business risk
- Conduct business or corporate valuation
- Manage financial risk
- Review, audit and evaluate risk control
- Apply risk management to IT/IS environment
- Formulate and evaluate financial strategy
- Model and forecast cash flows and other finances
- Advise on mergers, acquisitions & divestments
- Manage change
- Analyze competitive environment
- Plan, set up, manage, execute projects
- Negotiate and communicate effectively
- Advise on product manufacture/pricing
- Plan/manage cost for competitive advantage
- Design and manage budgeting systems
- Evaluate performance of organizations
- Prepare group accounts
- Evaluate and apply IFRS
- Analyze/interpret financial statements
- Prepare CSR reports
- Evaluate IT/IS issues and environment
- Evaluate key marketing issues
- Evaluate efficiency & quality issues
- Evaluate people management
- Calculate and analyze cost of products
- Forecast & budget for organization activities
- Evaluate capital expenditures
- Manage short-term finance
- Prepare complicated and international tax computations
- Prepare financial statements
- Use IFRS and GAAP
- Manage general and other ledger systems
These combined abilities with the international market in mind as well as the U.S. market, give Tracy Bressler has a much broader and experienced view of your business culture than many other CPA’s without the CGMA designation. Along with these educational skills, Tracy has over 25 years experience working with businesses who sell their products internationally. Additionally, she and her husband, Bill, have walnut groves and see business both through an accountant’s eye as well as the grower and business owner.
Give Tracy a call and make an appointment to come in and discuss your business concerns with her. Fall is just around the corner, and Tracy’s calendar fills quickly with tax planning appointments between late September and November. That’s a perfect time to look at your year-end tax situation before it’s too late to make changes. Our office number is 559.924.1225.